Call for Papers - Special Issue of "Understanding, Technology, and Application of Interaction"
Call for papers - Special issue of "Understanding, Technology, and Application of Interaction"
Editorial Committee of the Journal of Information Processing
Journal of Information Processing (JIP) is pleased to announce the call for papers for a special issue of “Understanding, Technology, and Application of Interaction”.
Recent improvement of computational capabilities and development of sensor and actuator have been providing various gateways to information media. Under the circumstances, researches on theory, design, modeling, engineering, application and evaluation of interaction among people, between human and things, and human and surroundings, are playing significant roles. Not only human interface in computer science, research on interaction has been expanding its research fields rapidly to involve related activities. In order to cover its wide extent and respond to demands on diversities of its application, the editors are expecting submissions of research outcome on interaction from fundamental study to practical implementation. A manuscript must explicitly describe its contributions to the interaction community. Editorial committee will select a couple of accepted papers that had not been presented in Japanese symposiums and/or workshops, and will give an opportunity to present their work at the Interaction Symposium 2026.
Journal of Information Processing (JIP) is currently encouraging more submissions from outside of Japan.
The publication fee of any accepted papers will not be charged if all the authors of the paper belong to institutes outside Japan.
Submission Guidelines
(1) All papers must be submitted electronically. Please access the following URL and proceed under the submission instructions:
Once you have submitted your manuscript, you cannot change it.
So, you must submit the final version of your manuscript.
If, by mistake, you submitted a wrong version, please contact the IPSJ secretariat <> (Replace -at- with @).
In the event you would like to make a submission, you must first create an account on the paper submission Web page. For detailed information, please refer to the manual available from the link “Instructions & Forms” at the top of the submission page.
(2) All papers will be reviewed. The review process will be carried out in the same manner as regular issues. However, you have shorter time than usual (eight weeks) for preparation of your responses to inquiries.
(3) Submission deadline is May 12, 2025.
(4) The special issue will be published on the J-Stage website in February, 2026. Preprint will be published on the IPSJ Journal in February, 2026.
(5) The Editorial Committee of This Special Issue
Editor in-Chief: Yuichi ITOH (Aoyama Gakuin Univ.)
Editorial Board Member: Hiroki WATANABE (Future Univ. Hakodate)
Editorial Committee Members: Kaori IKEMATSU (LY Corp./Tohoku Univ.), Takayuki ITO (Ochanomizu Univ.), Takefumi OGAWA (The Univ. of Tokyo), Yasuyuki KONO (Kwansei Gakuin Univ.), Masataka GOTO (AIST), Daisuke SAKAMOTO (Hokkaido Univ.), Buntarou SHIZUKI (Tsukuba Univ.), Yuta SUGIURA (Keio Univ.), Yasuyuki SUMI (Future Univ. Hakodate), Yoshinari TAKEGAWA (Future Univ. Hakodate) , Kazuaki TANAKA (Kyoto Institute of Tech.), Koji TSUKADA (Future Univ. Hakodate),Keisuke TSUNODA (Deloitte Tohmatsu Consulting LLC), Tsutomu TERADA (Kobe Univ.), Hideyuki NAKANISHI (Kinki Univ.), Tomoyasu NAKANO (AIST), Yoshinori HIJIKATA (Kwansei Gakuin Univ.), Kohei MATSUMURA (Ritsumeikan Univ.), Shinji MIZUNO (Aichi Institute of Tech.), Akihiro MIYATA (Nihon Univ.), Naomi YAMASHITA (NTT), Takashi YOSHINO (Wakayama Univ.), Yasue KISHINO (NTT)