「Real-time Video Mosaicing using Non-rigid Registration」
Real-time Video Mosaicing using Non-rigid Registration
[IPSJ Transactions on Computer Vision and Applications Vol.4 pp.170-178]
This paper presents a real-time mosaicing method that generates a seamless panorama image by stitching video key-frames as soon as they are detected. There are four main contributions: (1) we propose a “fast” key-frame selection procedure based on the distribution of feature descriptors; (2) we register key-frame images by using a non-rigid deformation model in order to “smoothly” stitch images; (3) we add a new constraint to the model in order to create mosaics with natural appearance; (4) we propose a fast image stitching algorithm modeled as a minimum graph cut problem, applied to mesh triangles instead of pixels. The performance of the proposed method is validated by experiments in non-controlled conditions and by comparison with a state-of-the-art method.

Rafael Henrique Castanheira de Souza
received, in 2006 and 2008, his BS and MS in Computer Science from the State University of Campinas, Brazil. In 2014 he received a Ph.D. degree for his research on non-rigid registration from Tokyo Institute of Technology. He currently works at DMP Ltd., developing computer vision projects.

Masatoshi Okutomi
received a B.Eng. degree from the University of Tokyo, in 1981 and an M.Eng. degree from Tokyo Institute of Technology, in 1983. He joined Canon Research Center, Canon Inc. in 1983. From 1987 to 1990, he was a visiting research scientist at Carnegie Mellon University. In 1993, he received a D.Eng. degree from Tokyo Institute of Technology. Since 1994, he has been with Tokyo Institute of Technology, where he is currently a professor in the Department of Mechanical and Control Engineering, the Graduate School of Science and Engineering.

Akihiko Torii
received a Master degree and a. Ph.D. degree from Chiba University in 2003 and 2006, respectively. He then spent four years as a post-doctoral researcher at Czech Technical University in Prague. Since 2010, he is an assistant professor at the Department of Mechanical and Control Engineering, the Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology.